'Dada' Mirror and The Dinner Guest

Dada Mirror by artist and designer Flavia Brilli

'Dada' and The Dinner Guest

When you make something eccentric, you will, of course, attract a certain type of customer: a free thinker; a non conformist.

When I look at the Dada mirror I see one thing: My little man from Belgium standing in the doorway of my shop. What his name was I cannot remember. But I can see him now as though it were yesterday. Standing patiently in his neat little suit, perhaps, not much taller than myself, waiting for my attention.

Copyright © 2018. Flavia Brilli. All rights reserved

'I'm interested in the Dada mirror in the window' he said. 'Would it be possible to make some modifications? And, would it be possible to send it to Belgium?'.

Of course, to both of these requests, I said 'yes', as I had a terrible habit of saying 'yes' to every customer's request; And, always before I had considered the difficulties.

'Yes, of course. No problem. What sort of modifications?' I asked.

Since my mirror service was bespoke, I was used to offering my designs in different colours, or different sizes to suit the customer's desires. However, my little Belgium man had something very particular in mind. Something even I had not conceived of that my Dada mirror should be his permanent dinner guest.

'Would it be possible, he asked, ever so politely, to attach a foot to the back of the mirror, rather like a plate stand, so that my Dada mirror can stand on the floor at the head of my dinner table?'. 'I have a long dinner table you see, and I shall sit at one end, and he will sit at the other end opposite me when I dine'.

'Of course, I said, in my usual, unaffected fashion. 'No problem, whatsoever'. 'Definitely'. I can do that'

My assistant and I were thrilled to have such a visionary in the shop. And thrilled to make an adaption that put my mirror to an unusual use: a mirror as a 'dinner guest'.

This began a pattern of many unusual requests. Requests which took me on a journey with my customers which took my mirror-making into the area of wishful fantasies. And I was very happy for customers to come to me and feel comfortable asking for whatever unusual ideas were in their minds. Since, really I don't consider anything unusual about the workings of our imaginations.

To imagine is to be free.

'Dada' Mirror
by Flavia Brilli

Yellow 'Dada' Mirror by artist and designer Flavia Brilli

Mirror designs by Flavia Brilli

 Copyright © 2018. Flavia Brilli. All rights reserved.

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