'Sunburst' Mirror and Interview with Terry Gilliam

Yellow 'Sunburst' mirror by designer Flavia Brilli

It's impossible to anticipate, when you create something, where it will end up, or who may want it. So, when Charlie from RDF films stepped into my shop one day and asked me would I consider lending him a couple of mirrors for his forthcoming documentary 'Dr Satan's Robot' for Channel 4 television, of course, I was flattered. When I later found out, one of my favourite film directors, the extraordinary, Terry Gilliam, would be in the frame, I was bowled over

Interview with film director Terry Gilliam, Equinox, Channel 4 Television, featuring 'Sunburst' mirror design by Flavia Brilli.

Above, the wonderful Terry Gilliam, framed by my 'Sunburst' mirror, on the Channel 4 Equinox documentary 'Dr Satan's Robot'. And, in the background, if you look over his shoulder, you'll see the outline of my 'Fantasia' mirror.

Fantasia Mirror by designer Flavia Brilli

Above, the 'Fantasia' mirror which you can see peeping over Terry Gilliam's shoulder. 
Mirror by designer Flavia Brilli

Vision and Eccentricity

Gilliam's wonderful imagination and unique vision shines through all his great films:  'Brazil', 'Time Bandits', '12 Monkey's', 'The Adventure of Baron Munchasen', 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas', and 'The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus' are just a few. So, perhaps, it was a fitting marriage: my eccentric mirror frames and one of Britain's all time eccentric visionary's.

'The Baron of Munchausen' by Director Terry Gilliam

'Brazil' by Terry Gilliam

Press Coverage

Blue 'Sunburst' mirror by Flavia Brilli featured on front cover of 'Homeflair Magazine'
Blue 'Sunburst' mirror by designer Flavia Brilli featured on front cover of 'Homeflair Magazine'

Blue 'Sunburst' mirror by Flavia Brilli featured in 'Homeflair Magazine'

Mirror designs by Flavia Brilli

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