
This website/blog is a journey down memory lane from when I owned my shop 'Jazz Frames', and was designing bespoke mirrors. It's a compilation of my thoughts, my inspirations, the people I met, and the passions which informed my work. I hope you enjoy this little journey and enjoy the stories and insights I share with you.

by Flavia Brilli.


Once upon a time, on the corner of Camden Road in London, there sat a beautiful 1920s shop with a curved glass window; an oak frame replete with ribbons; and, a lovely oak door. It had been in its past a gentleman's tailor. And, the stunning window display with an oak stage was the showcase for the bespoke suits and tailoring. I can only imagine the tailor dummies in the window standing proudly on the stage, as I never had the opportunity to see this with my own eyes. But when I first saw my beautiful shop through the window of a bus driving down Camden Road, I fell instantly in love.

Mirror Shop Jazz Frames, Camden, London owned by Flavia Brilli

Sadly, there are so few great examples of Art Nouveau shop fronts left in London; even though, it is the last great period of architectural design. The arabesque swirls and ornamental scrolls which are the popular motifs of Art Nouveau also became the motifs of my own work. And, although I could never count my designs as anything but a humble attempt to make something a little different than your average mirror design, I was very happy and grateful to have such a beautiful shop to showcase them in. Since to own or even lease a genuine Art Nouveau Shopfront is a great privilege.


Flavia Brilli was born and educated in Brighton. Following a Fine Arts degree at Brighton University, she moved to London to pursue her career as a singer and actress. After featuring on the soundtrack of Peter Greenaway's film, 'The Cook, the Thief, his Wife and her Lover', a 2-year contract on London Weekend Television's series 'Beadles About' followed. She then set up her first design business in London producing bespoke mirrors. Flavia's mirror designs have had extensive editorial coverage in various design periodicals and newspapers, including 'Elle Decoration'; Homes and Ideas'; 'Time Out Magazine'; 'News of the World'; 'Homeflair Magazine'; 'Take A Break'; 'The Evening Standard' and 'The London Magazine'. Her designs were also featured in an interview with the director Terry Gilliam (Monty Python) on Channel 4 television's 'Equinox' series. From Dec 2000- 2002, she worked as a music booker and publicist for the Central Bar Jazz Club in Clerkenwell and was awarded 'Critics Choice' by The Guardian newspaper. In 2012, she produced a sculpture of the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, to commemorate the 2012 London Olympics. 

Flavia Brilli, self portrait by Flavia Brilli
self-portrait photograph by Flavia Brilli








Other Websites/blogs:


Photo and narrative blog about the most beautiful bay in Europe, Kotor Bay, also known as Boka Kotorska.



Photo and narrative blog about the history, culture, and uses of flowers, inspired by my garden.


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