'Penelope Pitstop' Goes to 'Ministry of Sound'

Penelope Pitstop Mirror by designer Flavia Brilli

'Glamour Girl of the Gas Pedal'  

Pink: the colour of romance, babies, and pretty girls; the colour of sugar and spice and all things nice; the colour of femininity and charm. And, the colour of Hanna Barbera's iconic pink lady: 'Penelope Pitstop',  the very pink, lady driver in 'Wacky Races'.

Penelope Pitstop in her Pink Racecar called The Compact Pussycat

With her pink race car, pink racing uniform, and pink tights, she's the very embodiment of all things pink and nice. What other woman could come to mind as the embodiment of this colour than the lady also described as the 'The Glamour Girl of the Gas Pedal'  And, so, having painted my mirror head to toe in fluorescent pink, I named my mirror after her.

'Penelope Pitstop' Mirror
by Flavia Brilli
Penelope Pitstop Mirror by designer Flavia Brilli

Opposites attract, and, if you are petite like me, big and tall is mesmerising: Tall people, tall buildings, tall mountains; since, all these things serve to emphasise my smallness. And, so making big mirrors was inevitable. And, it was inevitable I would want to make the biggest mirror I could make. And, then, inevitable I would need the biggest venue to showcase it in. When one day, the promoter from the Superclub 'Ministry of Sound' popped his head inside my shop door and invited me to showcase my mirrors in their Chill Out Room, a match in heaven was made.

'Penelope Pitstop' Mirror by artist Flavia Brilli seen here at Ministry of Sound Nightclub, London
Penelope Pitstop Mirror by Flavia Brilli seen here on the wall of 'Ministry of Sound' Chill Out Room

'Ministry of Sound' Nightclub, London.
'Ministry of Sound' Nightclub, London.
300,000 clubbers pass through the doors of 'Ministry of Sound' each year making it 
one of the most successful SuperClubs in England and Europe.

A Little Bit of Neoprene Goes a long way..

Penelope came about during a period when I was making very large mirrors, between 7 to 8ft in length, but in addition to these large sizings, I was also experimenting with 3 dimensional forms. My aim was to make a mirror that was tactile like upholstered furniture: something you could touch and squeeze, as well as, look into. So, I combined my mirror making skills with my upholstery knowledge and designed a mirror that embraced both these disciplines. Of course, I couldn't paint the finished product, it would have to be upholstered in a fabric. And, something suitably eccentric and sexy: a little bit of neoprene would do the trick.

Bronze Neoprene bikini

 For those of you not familiar with this wonderful material, it is the material often used to create scuba diving wetsuits. Of course, for those of us with a rampant imagination it could be put to use for other things: such as covering eccentric mirrors.

The Ministry of Sound loved the idea of this new technique and having seen in my shop a large mirror called Zeppelin done in this way commissioned me to make a logo upholstered in neoprene.

'Ministry of Sound' Logo

Upholstered Logo with double Mirrors in Bronze Neoprene for Ministry of Sound Nightclub by Flavia Brilli
Left, Ministry of Sound Logo; Right, Upholstered Logo with double Mirrors in Bronze Neoprene.

Mirror designs by Flavia Brilli

Copyright © 2018. Flavia Brilli. All rights reserved.

'Dada' Mirror and The Dinner Guest

Dada Mirror by artist and designer Flavia Brilli

'Dada' and The Dinner Guest

When you make something eccentric, you will, of course, attract a certain type of customer: a free thinker; a non conformist.

When I look at the Dada mirror I see one thing: My little man from Belgium standing in the doorway of my shop. What his name was I cannot remember. But I can see him now as though it were yesterday. Standing patiently in his neat little suit, perhaps, not much taller than myself, waiting for my attention.

Copyright © 2018. Flavia Brilli. All rights reserved

'I'm interested in the Dada mirror in the window' he said. 'Would it be possible to make some modifications? And, would it be possible to send it to Belgium?'.

Of course, to both of these requests, I said 'yes', as I had a terrible habit of saying 'yes' to every customer's request; And, always before I had considered the difficulties.

'Yes, of course. No problem. What sort of modifications?' I asked.

Since my mirror service was bespoke, I was used to offering my designs in different colours, or different sizes to suit the customer's desires. However, my little Belgium man had something very particular in mind. Something even I had not conceived of that my Dada mirror should be his permanent dinner guest.

'Would it be possible, he asked, ever so politely, to attach a foot to the back of the mirror, rather like a plate stand, so that my Dada mirror can stand on the floor at the head of my dinner table?'. 'I have a long dinner table you see, and I shall sit at one end, and he will sit at the other end opposite me when I dine'.

'Of course, I said, in my usual, unaffected fashion. 'No problem, whatsoever'. 'Definitely'. I can do that'

My assistant and I were thrilled to have such a visionary in the shop. And thrilled to make an adaption that put my mirror to an unusual use: a mirror as a 'dinner guest'.

This began a pattern of many unusual requests. Requests which took me on a journey with my customers which took my mirror-making into the area of wishful fantasies. And I was very happy for customers to come to me and feel comfortable asking for whatever unusual ideas were in their minds. Since, really I don't consider anything unusual about the workings of our imaginations.

To imagine is to be free.

'Dada' Mirror
by Flavia Brilli

Yellow 'Dada' Mirror by artist and designer Flavia Brilli

Mirror designs by Flavia Brilli

 Copyright © 2018. Flavia Brilli. All rights reserved.


'Sunburst' Mirror and Interview with Terry Gilliam

Yellow 'Sunburst' mirror by designer Flavia Brilli

It's impossible to anticipate, when you create something, where it will end up, or who may want it. So, when Charlie from RDF films stepped into my shop one day and asked me would I consider lending him a couple of mirrors for his forthcoming documentary 'Dr Satan's Robot' for Channel 4 television, of course, I was flattered. When I later found out, one of my favourite film directors, the extraordinary, Terry Gilliam, would be in the frame, I was bowled over

Interview with film director Terry Gilliam, Equinox, Channel 4 Television, featuring 'Sunburst' mirror design by Flavia Brilli.

Above, the wonderful Terry Gilliam, framed by my 'Sunburst' mirror, on the Channel 4 Equinox documentary 'Dr Satan's Robot'. And, in the background, if you look over his shoulder, you'll see the outline of my 'Fantasia' mirror.

Fantasia Mirror by designer Flavia Brilli

Above, the 'Fantasia' mirror which you can see peeping over Terry Gilliam's shoulder. 
Mirror by designer Flavia Brilli

Vision and Eccentricity

Gilliam's wonderful imagination and unique vision shines through all his great films:  'Brazil', 'Time Bandits', '12 Monkey's', 'The Adventure of Baron Munchasen', 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas', and 'The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus' are just a few. So, perhaps, it was a fitting marriage: my eccentric mirror frames and one of Britain's all time eccentric visionary's.

'The Baron of Munchausen' by Director Terry Gilliam

'Brazil' by Terry Gilliam

Press Coverage

Blue 'Sunburst' mirror by Flavia Brilli featured on front cover of 'Homeflair Magazine'
Blue 'Sunburst' mirror by designer Flavia Brilli featured on front cover of 'Homeflair Magazine'

Blue 'Sunburst' mirror by Flavia Brilli featured in 'Homeflair Magazine'

Mirror designs by Flavia Brilli

Oval with Tendrils

The Sensuous Tendril

For as long as I can remember, I have always loved Art Nouveau and Deco. It is a love affair that is inextricably entwined with my upbringing, since I was born in a town which has a plethora of antique shops many selling Art Nouveau furniture and jewelry; and a wonderful museum, Brighton Museum, which I adored and visited regularly to feast my eyes on its superb Nouveau and Deco collections.

Brighton Museum and Gallery: part of the Pavilion Estate, below, built for the Prince of Wales.

'All my design work is inspired and informed by my enduring love for my hometown Brighton. A place forever associated in my mind with all that is fun, stylish and elegant'.

It's impossible not to be mesmerised by the sensuous, expressive lines of the Art Nouveau Movement; it echoes so many beautiful forms from nature that who can look and not admire. A staircase imitates the flowing lines of a vine tendril; a street lantern is held by a flower stalk; a table lamp imitates a wisteria tree; a ladies brooch becomes a resting dragonfly.

But the motif that reappears again and again, and is incorporated in so many beautiful Nouveau designs is the wonderful whiplash curl. It spreads its tendrils across walls and ceilings; around windows; around wrists and fingers; and over mantelpieces; like a long, energetic, sensuous line of uncontained energy. An undulating, rhythmical line of music, wending its way into our imaginations.

The Whiplash Curl

Gustav Klimt's 'The Tree of Life'

Long sinuous Whiplash curls, resembling the tendrils of foliage, spread across the floor, walls and up the staircase, in this beautiful Art Nouveau interior.

The Inspiration for the Art Nouveau Whiplash Curl: Nature's Sensuous Tendril

Oval with Tendrils
by Flavia Brilli

Oval with Tendrils by artist and designer Flavia Brilli
Oval with Tendrils mirror design by Flavia Brilli inspired by the Whiplash Curl

Mirror designs by Flavia Brilli

Copyright date © 2018 Flavia Brilli All rights Reserved.

'Fantasia' Mirror

Fantasia Mirror by Flavia Brilli
The fantasy begins...

'Fantasia' was the first Mirror I conceived, on a piece of paper, as I drove by, what would later be my shop, on Camden Road. It represents the beginning of the journey into Mirror Making.

Television Role
The 'Fantasia' appeared in Terry Gilliam's Interview, in a minor role, peeping over his shoulder, and was made in three sizes: mini, medium, and large.

Film Director, Terry Gilliam, being interviewed on Channel 4, with 'Sunburst' mirror and 'Fantasia' mirror designed by Flavia Brilli.
Film Director, Terry Gilliam, being interviewed on Channel 4, with 'Sunburst' mirror in foreground and 'Fantasia' mirror peeping over his shoulder.

WHAT is in a NAME
Walt Disney's Film 'Fantasia'

The inspiration for the name derived from Walt Disney's wonderful animated film 'Fantasia'. 'Fantasia' was Walt Disney's 3rd animated film and consisted of 8 animated set pieces set to classical music. It was such an ambitious and imaginative concept for a children's animated film, and one which left an indelible print on my memory. Its fabulous concept of great classical masterworks being defined with narrative illustrations goes beyond all our precepts of a children's cartoon. Even watching it today takes my breath away. Sublime animation interpreting sublime classical music.

Mickey as 'The Sorcerer's Apprentice' with broom
Tired of carrying buckets of water from the well Mickey casts a spell on the broom to help him.

From  “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice” sequence.

The Great God of Animation: Disney
Before Walt Disney came along, cartoons were viewed as something just lightweight and fun for children. But Disney elevated the medium to a whole new level of complexity. And, in doing so, turned cartoons into an art form. First with the wonderfully classic 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs' (1937), then, with the charming 'Pinocchio' and, finally, with his masterpiece 'Fantasia'.

Walt Disney, above, demonstrating his wonderful skills to a group of Argentinian schoolgirls.

Press Coverage

Mirror designs by Flavia Brilli

 Copyright date © 2018. Flavia Brilli. All rights reserved.


'Violetta' Mirror

Violetta Mirror by artist and designer Flavia Brilli
A Very Operatic Inspiration

When I was a fledgling singer, I'd often practised opera arias with my vocal coach Mary Hammond. But before I met Mary , I had already developed a great enduring love for opera. My favourite operatic divas, then, who I listened to avidly, were Maria Callas, Jessye Norman and Lucia Popp. Maria for her drama and fire; Norma for her grace and gravitas; and, Lucia for her effortless purity.

Left, Maria Callas, center, Jessye Norman, right, Lucia Popp.

If, however, I must leave tomorrow for my desert island with only recordings of one of the three to take with me, it will of course, be Maria. Since, she was the one who I played the most, and she was the one who inspired me with her performances.

'Violetta' Mirror.

When you fall in love with a great voice it incentivises you to explore their medium more deeply, so thanks to Maria, I was propelled on a journey into opera that exposed me to all the great arias of her repertoire. One of the roles she performed throughout her illustrious career was the role of 'Violetta' in Verdi's opera La Traviata. So, my mirror was a little nod to Maria and my love of opera. And, its swirls and arabesques an echo of the rhythmic qualities of music.

Maria Callas as 'Violetta' in Verdi's Opera 'La Traviata'

'Violetta' was the original title of Verdi's opera 'La Traviata', and the name of the main protagonist, Violetta Valery. Maria Callas sang the part of Violetta 63 times, and so it became her second-most-performed role

'Violetta' Mirror
Violetta Mirror by artist and designer Flavia Brilli

In the operatic world, there are little divas and big divas, so the Violetta Mirror lent itself to sizing adaptions very well. She could be tall and slim; or, shorter and more voluptuous. But, one thing she was always: very glamorous.

Left, Miss Tall; right, Miss Voluptuous

Press Coverage

Violetta Mirror by designer Flavia Brilli

'Violetta' Inspirations Magasine 1996

Blue 'Violetta' mirror by Flavia Brilli seen here in The London Magazine

Blue 'Violetta' mirror by Flavia Brilli seen here in The London Magazine
'Violetta' Miss Voluptuous. Designed by Flavia Brilli.

Mirror designs by Flavia Brilli

Copyright © 2018. Flavia Brilli. All rights reserved.


'Silver Zeppelin' Mirror

by Flavia Brilli

Silver Zeppelin Mirror by artist and designer Flavia Brilli
    Copyright  © Flavia Brilli 2018. All rights reserved.

A Very Special Flying Machine

Since the beginning of time, man dreamed of flying. And, thanks to Da Vinci, The Wright Brothers, and Sir George Cayley that dream is now a reality for many of us. I have flown to many places by plane; I have also flown from London to Brighton by helicopter; I have even flown by parachute over the Kent countryside. But, the most eccentric and wonderful machine made by man for flight must be the Zeppelin. Oh, what a magnificent flying machine that was! And, not resembling in any way the modes of flight we use today. A magnificent airship resplendent with a glamorous interior. Take to the air with a cocktail in hand and enjoy the views!
And, that is exactly what they did.

One of the earliest Zeppelin airships, and named after the German pioneer of airships, Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin.

Dining Room Interior of the Zeppelin.

The Neoprene Fetishist

Zeppelin was the first of my neoprene experiments during a period when I was making very large mirrors, between 7 to 8ft in length. My aim was to make a mirror that was tactile like upholstered furniture: something you could touch and squeeze, as well as, look into. So, I combined my mirror-making skills with my upholstery knowledge and designed a mirror that embraced both these disciplines. 

Silver Zeppelin Mirror by artist and designer Flavia Brilli

My Homage to the Zeppelin, 8ft x 4ft, padded with upholstery foam and covered in super sexy silver neoprene. 
The Neoprene Fetishist

Neoprene was originally used for scuba wetsuits but now appears in an array of products: from Halloween masks to Balenciaga dresses.

Balenciaga dress, 2, 730 Euros.

Neoprene items: Wetsuit and washing up gloves


When you are in the habit of making large mirrors, you inevitably invite interest from people with big spaces to fill. The Ministry of Sound Nightclub is one of England and Europe's biggest Superclubs, and it was a great pleasure to be asked to showcase my mega creations in their superb club.

'Silver Zeppelin' and 'Harp' Mirror by artist and designer Flavia Brilli
'Silver Zeppelin' and 'Harp' Mirror, Ministry of Sound Nightclub, London.

300,000 clubbers pass through the doors of 'The Ministry of Sound' each year making it 
one of the most successful SuperClubs in England and Europe.

Mirror designs by Flavia Brilli

Copyright © 2018 Flavia Brilli All rights Reserved.