'Violetta' Mirror

Violetta Mirror by artist and designer Flavia Brilli
A Very Operatic Inspiration

When I was a fledgling singer, I'd often practised opera arias with my vocal coach Mary Hammond. But before I met Mary , I had already developed a great enduring love for opera. My favourite operatic divas, then, who I listened to avidly, were Maria Callas, Jessye Norman and Lucia Popp. Maria for her drama and fire; Norma for her grace and gravitas; and, Lucia for her effortless purity.

Left, Maria Callas, center, Jessye Norman, right, Lucia Popp.

If, however, I must leave tomorrow for my desert island with only recordings of one of the three to take with me, it will of course, be Maria. Since, she was the one who I played the most, and she was the one who inspired me with her performances.

'Violetta' Mirror.

When you fall in love with a great voice it incentivises you to explore their medium more deeply, so thanks to Maria, I was propelled on a journey into opera that exposed me to all the great arias of her repertoire. One of the roles she performed throughout her illustrious career was the role of 'Violetta' in Verdi's opera La Traviata. So, my mirror was a little nod to Maria and my love of opera. And, its swirls and arabesques an echo of the rhythmic qualities of music.

Maria Callas as 'Violetta' in Verdi's Opera 'La Traviata'

'Violetta' was the original title of Verdi's opera 'La Traviata', and the name of the main protagonist, Violetta Valery. Maria Callas sang the part of Violetta 63 times, and so it became her second-most-performed role

'Violetta' Mirror
Violetta Mirror by artist and designer Flavia Brilli

In the operatic world, there are little divas and big divas, so the Violetta Mirror lent itself to sizing adaptions very well. She could be tall and slim; or, shorter and more voluptuous. But, one thing she was always: very glamorous.

Left, Miss Tall; right, Miss Voluptuous

Press Coverage

Violetta Mirror by designer Flavia Brilli

'Violetta' Inspirations Magasine 1996

Blue 'Violetta' mirror by Flavia Brilli seen here in The London Magazine

Blue 'Violetta' mirror by Flavia Brilli seen here in The London Magazine
'Violetta' Miss Voluptuous. Designed by Flavia Brilli.

Mirror designs by Flavia Brilli

Copyright © 2018. Flavia Brilli. All rights reserved.

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